Can PEX Be Used in a Solar Water Heater?

Solar water heaters have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. They’re energy efficient, eco-friendly, and can be a cost-effective solution for many homeowners. However, a crucial aspect of any solar water heater system is the piping used to transport the heated water. PEX is a versatile and durable piping material. But the question arises: Can PEX be used in a solar water heater?

Let’s delve deep to find the answer.

Can Pex Be Used in a Solar Water Heater

Can PEX Be Used in a Solar Water Heater?

Yes, PEX offers resistance to both freezing and corrosion have made it a go-to choice for many. But its compatibility with solar water heaters is a slightly nuanced matter. In short, PEX can be used in solar water heating systems, but there are specific conditions and considerations to keep in mind.

Types of PEX Suitable for Solar Water Heaters

PEX-AL-PEX and PEX-A are recommended choices for these systems due to their ability to handle higher temperatures effectively. PEX-AL-PEX pipes have an aluminum layer that enhances their temperature resistance, making them suitable for solar water heating applications.

PEX-A pipes, known for their cross-linked structure, also offer excellent temperature performance. Both types are designed to withstand the demands of solar water heating, ensuring reliable and efficient operation. It’s advisable to consult with professionals in the field to determine the best PEX type for your specific solar water heating setup.

Safety Concerns with Using PEX in Solar Water Heaters

Any plumbing material, when misused or chosen without due consideration, can pose risks. With PEX, potential concerns include:

  1. Chemical Leaching: PEX pipes could potentially leach chemicals into the water if it stagnates within the system, especially when exposed to high temperatures over time
  2. Temperature and Pressure Limits: It’s important to ensure that PEX pipes used are within their specified temperature and pressure limits. Exposure to excessive heat or pressure might lead to pipe degradation, cracks, or brittleness
  3. UV Exposure: If PEX pipes are exposed to prolonged UV radiation, they could become brittle and prone to damage. This is particularly relevant for solar water heaters installed outdoors
  4. Material Compatibility: The compatibility of PEX pipes with heat transfer fluids used in solar water heaters should be ensured to prevent potential chemical reactions or material degradation
  5. Installation Quality: Proper installation practices are crucial to prevent leaks, and other issues that might arise from improper installation of PEX pipes in solar water heater systems
  6. Long-Term Durability: While PEX pipes generally offer durability, factors like water quality, chemical exposure, and temperature fluctuations could influence their long-term performance.

How to Install PEX in a Solar Water Heater System

  • Mount Solar Collectors: Begin by mounting the solar collectors on the roof. These collectors absorb sunlight and heat the water. Ensure proper positioning for maximum solar exposure
  • Determine PEX Length: Measure and cut the PEX tubing to the required length using appropriate cutting tools. It should connect the solar collectors on the roof to the water storage tank or heat exchanger.
  • Install Fittings and Connectors: Use compatible PEX fittings, connectors, and valves to create the plumbing connections. Attach one end of the PEX tubing to the solar collector manifold and the other end to the water storage tank or heat exchanger. Ensure secure connections to prevent leaks.
  • Secure Tubing: Use clamps or brackets to secure the PEX tubing along its path from the roof to the storage tank. This prevents sagging, kinks, and potential damage.
  • Protect from Sunlight: PEX tubing should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid UV degradation. Use appropriate insulation or enclosures to shield the tubing. UV-resistant PEX or insulation with UV protection can be used.
  • Test for Leaks: Once the installation is complete, turn on the system and test for any leaks. Ensure all connections are tight and secure.
  • System Check: Monitor the system’s performance to ensure efficient heat transfer from the solar collectors to the water storage tank. Regular maintenance is essential for optimal operation.

Comparing PEX to Other Tubing Materials for Solar Water Heaters

Tubing Material Advantages Disadvantages
Copper Durable, can handle high temperatures, resistant to corrosion. Less flexible, more expensive compared to PEX.
CPVC Withstands high temperatures, safe for hot water systems. Less flexible compared to PEX, lower temperature resistance than copper.
PEX Affordable, flexible, easy installation, resistant to corrosion. Limited temperature resistance compared to copper and CPVC.

Experts’ Opinions on Using PEX for Solar Water Heaters

What type of Piping System is suitable for my Solar Water Heating Installation

Many professionals in the plumbing and solar industry recognize PEX’s potential, provided it’s used within its limits. It’s always recommended to consult with a local expert before making a decision.

Benefits of Using PEX in Solar Water Heating

Flexibility and Ease of Installation

One of PEX’s standout features is its exceptional flexibility, a quality that sets it apart from traditional copper or PVC pipes. This flexibility plays a crucial role in solar water heating systems, especially those with intricate designs that require bending and maneuvering through tight spaces. PEX’s pliability simplifies installation, making it easier to adapt to various layouts and designs, ultimately resulting in a smoother and more efficient setup process.

Durability and Chemical Resistance

PEX pipes exhibit remarkable durability and resilience against the chemicals commonly found in plumbing systems. The resistance to corrosion and chemical interactions extends the lifespan of the solar water heating system. This longevity translates into fewer maintenance demands over time, reducing the need for repairs or replacements. PEX’s resistance to scale and mineral buildup further contributes to the system’s efficiency and extends its operational life.

Thermal Efficiency

PEX pipes have low thermal conductivity, which means they retain heat effectively. In solar water heating systems, this quality can help minimize heat loss as hot water travels from the solar collectors to the storage tanks or distribution points. This thermal efficiency can enhance the overall performance of the solar heating system, ensuring that the captured solar energy is maximally utilized.

Freeze Resistance

One of PEX’s notable attributes is its ability to expand and contract without rupturing when exposed to freezing temperatures. This is particularly advantageous in solar water heating systems, as water within the pipes can freeze during cold. PEX’s resilience to freezing helps prevent pipe bursts and subsequent leaks, ensuring the system remains functional even in cold climates.


PEX pipes often present a more budget-friendly option compared to copper pipes. The reduced material costs, combined with the ease of installation, contribute to a more cost-effective solution for homeowners and installers alike. This affordability aspect can make solar water heating systems more accessible to a wider range of individuals and families.

Noise Reduction

PEX pipes tend to create less noise due to water flow compared to traditional metal pipes, such as copper. This can be particularly advantageous in solar water heating systems, where fluid movement is a common occurrence. Reduced noise can contribute to a more peaceful and comfortable environment around the system.

Limitations of PEX in Solar Water Heating

  • Temperature Threshold: PEX pipes have a maximum temperature threshold, which might limit their suitability for high-temperature solar water heating systems. They are better suited for moderate climate applications.
  • UV Sensitivity: PEX is sensitive to UV light exposure. Prolonged direct sunlight can cause degradation and reduced lifespan, making it less ideal for solar water heating setups that involve outdoor exposure.
  • Climate Consideration: PEX’s temperature limitations make it important to consider the climate of the installation location. Extreme hot or cold climates might require a different piping material to ensure system efficiency and longevity.
  • Material Compatibility: PEX’s chemical resistance is an advantage, but it’s important to ensure compatibility with other materials used in the system, such as connectors and valves, to prevent issues arising from dissimilar materials in contact.
  • Longevity Evaluation: Assess the projected lifespan of the solar water heating system in relation to PEX’s sensitivity to UV and temperature limitations. In some cases, alternative piping materials might be more suitable for long-term durability.

FAQs on Can PEX Be Used in a Solar Water Heater

How long does PEX last in a solar water heater setup?

With proper installation and care, PEX can last 20 to 25 years in a solar water heater system.

Is PEX environmentally friendly?

Yes, PEX is recyclable, making it an eco-conscious choice.

Can I DIY install PEX in my solar water heater?

While PEX is easier to work with than other materials, professional installation is recommended for optimal safety and efficiency.

How does PEX handle freezing conditions?

One of the advantages of PEX is its resistance to freezing—a boon for solar water heaters in colder climates.

What maintenance does PEX require in solar water heaters?

Routine checks for leaks and ensuring the tubing isn’t exposed to UV light are the primary maintenance tasks.

Is there a notable difference in performance between PEX and copper in solar water heaters?

Performance can be comparable, but PEX offers advantages in flexibility and cost.


While PEX has carved a niche for itself in the realm of modern plumbing, its application in solar water heaters comes with a set of caveats. However, with careful consideration and understanding of its strengths and limitations, PEX can indeed serve as a reliable and efficient component of your solar water heating system. As always, seeking expert advice tailored to your specific situation is invaluable.

Harrison Wells

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