Can You Leave a Solar Cover on a Pool for a Week?

Having a pool in your backyard is like owning a personal paradise. Yet, it also comes with its fair share of maintenance challenges. Especially if you are using any solar cover or heater systems. One of the most common questions pool owners have is, “Can you leave a solar cover on a pool for a week?” “Is it safe?” “Will it breed algae?”. 

This article aims to provide a comprehensive answer to that question, exploring the possible effects and best practices for using solar covers. Before we delve into the question, let’s first understand what a solar cover is and how it benefits your pool.

Understanding Solar Pool Covers

what is solar-cover

A solar cover, also known as a solar blanket, is a protective layer placed on the surface of a swimming pool. Its primary function is to trap the sun’s heat, thereby warming the pool water and reducing heat loss during chilly nights.

Why Use a Solar Cover?

Simply put it is a pool cover that not only harnesses the sun’s radiant energy but also effortlessly keeps your pool water warm and inviting. Here are a few key reasons to use one:

    1. Heat Retention: Solar covers effectively keep your pool warm by absorbing sunlight and reducing evaporation, the leading cause of heat loss in pools.
  1. Water Conservation: By reducing evaporation, solar covers also conserve water, helping you save on your water bills and promote environmental conservation.
  2. Chemical Preservation: Solar covers decrease the rate of chemical evaporation, thus maintaining the balance of chemicals in your pool and saving you the cost and effort of constant reapplication.

Can You Leave a Solar Cover on a Pool for a Week?

The straightforward answer is, yes, you can leave a solar cover on a pool for a week. But, like most things, it’s not that simple. There are certain factors and conditions to consider.

Weather Conditions


The weather conditions play a significant role in the decision to leave your solar cover on for an extended period. In sunny, warm weather, a solar cover can efficiently absorb and retain heat. However, if the weather turns windy or stormy, the cover might get damaged or even blow away, leading to a potential mess or even damage to your pool.

retain heat

Pool Chemistry

The chemical balance of your pool is another essential factor. Leaving the solar cover on for a week can cause a buildup of chlorinated water underneath, potentially leading to algae growth. To avoid this, ensure the water chemistry is well balanced before leaving your pool covered for an extended period.

Best Practices to follow if your are using a solar cover for your pool 

For optimal results, follow these best practices:

Regular Checks

Perform regular checks on your pool, even when the cover is on. This will help you catch any issues early and prevent significant problems down the line.

Maintain Cleanliness

Ensure you keep your pool and the cover clean. Any debris left on the cover could potentially damage it and contaminate your pool.

Store Properly

When not in use, make sure to store your solar cover properly. A cover reel can be a great help here, protecting the cover from damage and making it easy to apply and remove.


In conclusion, leaving a solar cover on a pool for a week will not create any problem unless managed properly. But it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and implement appropriate measures. Regular checks and maintenance are crucial to ensure the longevity of your cover and the health of your pool. With these practices in place, you can enjoy a warm, clean pool with minimal effort and maximum enjoyment.

Harrison Wells

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