Pool Expansion Guide: Making Your Existing Pool Bigger!

Are you finding the current dimensions of your pool somewhat limiting? Perhaps you desire more room to swim, entertain, or add new features. The notion of expanding your existing pool might have crossed your mind. The encouraging news is, in many instances, making your pool bigger is a feasible project. However, several factors need thorough consideration before diving into such an endeavor.

In this guide, we’ll unravel the considerations, feasibility, and process involved in pool expansion, enriching your outdoor space.

Pool Expansion Guide

Why Opt for Pool Expansion?

Before delving into the specifics, let’s briefly touch on why enlarging your pool might be on your agenda. Here are some common motivations:

  • Space Constraints: Your current pool might feel cramped, especially with a growing family or if you relish hosting lively pool parties.
  • Desire for Additional Features: Pool expansion paves the way for adding enticing features like a spa, a diving board, or a water slide.
  • Property Value Enhancement: A more spacious, luxurious pool can significantly bolster your property value.
  • Aesthetic Upgrade: If your existing pool lacks visual allure or doesn’t harmonize with your landscape design, expansion could rectify this.

Crucial Considerations

Embarking on a pool expansion project is a hefty decision. Here are some pivotal factors to mull over:

  1. Available Space: Ensure your yard can accommodate a larger pool without trespassing property boundaries or utility lines.
  2. Structural Integrity: Engage a proficient pool contractor to evaluate if your pool can withstand the stresses associated with expansion.
  3. Permits and Regulations: Liaise with local authorities to discern any zoning or building regulations and secure the necessary permits.
  4. Budget Assessment: Pool expansion is a substantial investment. Ensure your finances are in order, considering both the expansion and additional features.
  5. Design and Aesthetics: Collaborate with a pool designer to ensure the expanded pool melds seamlessly with your existing landscape.

The Pool Expansion Journey

Once you’ve navigated the feasibility and considerations, here’s what the expansion process entails:

  1. Professional Consultation: Partner with a reputable pool contractor specializing in expansions for expert guidance.
  2. Design Development: Forge a design blueprint for your expanded pool, delineating the new shape, size, and any additional features.
  3. Permit Acquisition: Before construction kicks off, ensure all necessary permits are in place to avert legal snags.
  4. Construction Phase: This involves excavation, grading, and possibly reinforcing the existing structure.
  5. Plumbing and Electrical Adjustments: These modifications are paramount, especially when incorporating new features like a spa or waterfall.
  6. Finishing Touches: The final stage encompasses landscaping, decking, and other aesthetic enhancements to create a captivating outdoor haven.

Standard Home Swimming Pool Sizes

The dimensions of a home swimming pool largely hinge on the specific type you envision. Here’s a breakdown of standard sizes shared by experienced builders based on pool type:

Pool Type Size Depth
Inground pools 10 by 20 feet 3 – 10 feet
20 by 40 feet
Ground pools 10 and 24 feet in  3 – 5 feet
Lap Pools 6 by 30 feet 5 – 10 feet
10 by 50 feet
Plunge pools 6 by 10 feet 5 – 7 feet
8 by 20 feet
Endless pools 9 by 15 feet 4 – 8 feet

FAQs on Making an Existing Pool Bigger

Is every pool expandable?

The ability to expand hinges on various factors like available space, structural integrity, and local regulations. It’s prudent to consult with a pool professional for a thorough assessment.

What’s the cost of pool expansion?

Costs can significantly vary based on the extent of expansion, additional features, and locale. It’s advisable to solicit quotes from multiple contractors for an accurate financial picture.

How long does pool expansion take?

The project duration can fluctuate based on the expansion complexity, weather conditions, and contractor availability. Typically, it spans several weeks to a few months.


Pool expansion can satiate your desire for more aquatic space, elevate your pool experience, and augment your property value. However, meticulous assessment and adherence to local regulations are imperative for a successful project. Engaging with a pool professional and securing the necessary permits are crucial first steps. With astute planning and execution, your pool expansion project can metamorphose your outdoor space into a more expansive and enjoyable aquatic retreat.

Harrison Wells

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